07/27/10 Phoenix Concert Theater
O.A.R. Live at Phoenix Concert Theater in Toronto, Ontario on July 27th, 2010


  1. 52-50
  2. Love And Memories
  3. The Wanderer
  4. About An Hour Ago
  5. Dareh Meyod
  6. Hey Girl
  7. Delicate Few
  8. Light Switch Sky
  9. Lay Down
  10. Coal Miner
  11. Heard The World
  12. This Town
  13. Night Shift
  14. That Was a Crazy Game of Poker
  15. Over And Over
  16. Shattered
  17. City On Down


Also, just a note that I think there is a typo in the setlist. Delicate few is actually Black Rock on the recording.
Great show. Had an awesome time live. 52-50 and Coal miner were definitely highlights for me as well as the obvious choices (crazy game of poker, hey girl, etc.)