06/22/13 Red Rocks Amphitheatre


Thank you all for your reviews!

We have restored "Something Coming Over." Also, "Get Away" is included in the song "Missing Pieces." The setlist and filenames have been corrected to reflect this.

Thank you for your dedication to O.A.R.!
Best show I've seen from these guys with a big set list but Something Coming Over is missing from the download all together
Great show! Nice to hear new music from the guys. Peace is beautiful. Noticed track 6 on the download is labeled as Risen but should actually be Revisited and vice versa for track 15, labeled as Revisited should be Risen
The live show was great with nature even putting on a lightning show over Denver for added entertainment!

But, there seems to be a few songs missing from this download, will those be added or is more editing still needed to separate songs as it sounds like Get Away which wasn't listed, is included under Missing Pieces. So is this the entire show, or just most of it?